Hi, I’m Michael Morris, and in this short presentation, you’re going to learn about a technology that has been kept secret for 20 years…
A breakthrough in solar energy that was discovered back in 1995—one so powerful it could have made electricity practically free…
Instead, it was locked away. Kept out of the public eye. And only the military had access to it.
See, regular solar panels waste up to 85% of the energy they collect—meaning that for every $100 worth of sunlight hitting the panel, only $15 to $20 actually turns into usable electricity.
But in 1995…
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energy Systems (ISE) discovered something incredible…
A High-Efficiency Concentrated Photovoltaic Cell—or HCPV for short.
500 times more efficient. A regular 6-foot solar panel compacted in only half a square inch… Capable of generating exponentially more power from a fraction of the space.

ISE compiled highly classified reports confirming that this technology outperforms traditional solar panels in every way.
It had the power to change everything.
Cheaper energy. Smaller, more efficient solar panels. A world where electricity was practically limitless.
But instead of bringing it to the public, it was classified—military use only—kept out of reach from regular folks like you and me.
Because there’s no money in free energy.
The same way car manufacturers hold back innovations for 10 years or more, to sell you a new model every year… The same way phone companies drip-feed features that could have been released a decade ago…
The energy industry does the same thing. And until now, they’ve gotten away with it.
But today, that changes!
Because in the next few minutes, I’m going to show you exactly how you can take advantage of this suppressed technology… and how it could help you slash your power bills and take back control of your electricity.
This so-called ‘new’ technology isn’t new at all
It’s been hidden away for decades… But I first came across it 20 years ago—under circumstances I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
A moment that shook me to my core.
A moment that opened my eyes to the truth about what our government really does behind closed doors.
This is the story of my family’s dark mystery...
First, I’ll tell you what I know
Then, I’ll tell you how I know.
My uncle Brian was a “scrubber” for a private company contracted with the US government.

His job (or the job of his entire team, instead) was to retrieve or destroy secret, top-secret, and alleged “above-top-secret” data from sunken military vessels, including anything from documents, storage drives, cargo, weaponry, dog tags/identification cards, and even corpses.
He would also scrub identifying marks on ships, strip indicators of the country of origin, and salvage valuable parts of the craft. His duties were not limited to these, but these are the most exciting and relevant.
Brian performed deep-sea dives between 1989-91, then again from 1995-97
We don’t know much about his life between those two periods, but we do know that he was stationed at a “training facility” somewhere in the arctic circle, probably Greenland or Canada.
During that time, he only visited his home in Arizona for six weeks per year and was forbidden from doing all kinds of things.
He was not allowed to purchase office supplies or typewriters, could not spend money at all except with a checkbook issued to him by his employer, could not go into a bank for any reason, could not handle cash, could not go to large gatherings or drink alcohol.
They wouldn’t even let him smoke cigarettes.
He was forbidden to write anything down and, therefore, would never handle a pencil, couldn’t talk about his job, and refused to even touch a phone, with one exception.
Brian had to call a phone number every six hours, regardless of the time of day
He would wake up in the middle of the night to make the call, which always pissed off his wife. Whenever he made that call, he always spoke casually, as if talking to an old friend, and had conversations that never amounted to more than idle chit-chat.
I only heard these calls once in my life, and only in retrospect did I realize that they were heavily coded.
What he was saying, we will never know. Even when someone called for Brian, he wouldn’t take the phone; he would only touch it or speak if he dialed the number.
I have never seen such a paranoid person in my life, but at my young age, I found his behavior harmless and amusing.
My uncle mysteriously disappeared in 1999, when I was still a teenager
I had only met him twice in my life; the second time was after he retired. I was too young to remember him the first time we had met, but the second occasion I actually tried to block out – and pretty much have until later in my life.
When we visited him for a week in Phoenix, he was glum the entire time. The man was singularly unfriendly and appeared scarcely aware of anything but his private thoughts.
He was more pensive and withdrawn than anyone I’d ever known as if he’d retreated entirely from this planet and left a functioning body behind. He looked over his shoulder all the time, even on the couch, and always watched the rear-view mirror when my mother drove us out to dinner.
I remember him continually doing weird things, such as inspecting the light switches in his own home…
…Unscrewing the little plates, and poking around, then putting them back on. He looked up in the air each time he walked outside as if he expected a brick to fall on his head, or maybe perhaps a helicopter to snap a photo of him.
He only ever spoke in short and stilted sentences, cautious not to divulge anything that could get him into trouble.
Brian seemed like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders and a flood of confessions just behind the dam of his teeth. I found myself wondering about him each night as I tried to fall asleep.
One night during that visit, Brian snapped
I don’t know what caused it, but he had a massive freak-out and started acting like he was on hard drugs.
In the middle of a normal conversation on the couch, he started shrieking about how he was “sick of all the games” and didn’t “wanna be a gerbil anymore.”
To my mother’s horror, he lunged at me and tried to strangle me.
He kept screaming to my mother that he was going to “twist the head off, show you all the circuits!” and went on and on about how there were cameras in my eyes and microphones in my ears.
He bit me, and when he saw that I bled, he snapped out of it and burst into tears.
My mother tried to call 911 from the house, but it wouldn’t connect
She frantically dialed the number on his barren fridge, and a woman answered. Mother explained that Brian was acting crazy, and said she needed police and an ambulance.
The woman told her that she’d phone Brian’s doctor immediately and that everyone should sit tight. (I refused to go to the hospital; I suffer from emetophobia and hospitals make me nauseous.)
In less than an hour, a man showed up at the door.
He called himself “Doctor S.” The doctor was dressed in ordinary slacks and a button-down shirt and had a clean shave. I remember noticing the roughness of his hands when he shook mine.
He was big but too well-spoken to be some bruiser.
I have trouble explaining what I mean, but the plainness of his appearance and the calm of his demeanor felt very menacing to me like he was about to murder every person in the house, Patrick Bateman-style.
The thing I remember most about him, however, was that…
He carried the acrid stench of chemicals as if he’d been varnishing wood or something
The doctor had a quiet conversation with my uncle on the back patio, and then he politely excused himself and left.
He told my mother and me that “Brian is going to be fine, that he needs some rest. He said that he ordered a prescription and that we can pick it up for him tomorrow.”
When my mother asked if it was dangerous to be alone with him, the doctor just laughed and said, “Not anymore. I promise.” He squeezed my shoulder and walked away.
Two things disturbed me about “Doctor S.”’s visit.
The first was that between hello and goodbye, the man wasn’t there any longer than four minutes. What could he possibly have said to Brian in that amount of time?
And second, when I ran upstairs to watch the doctor drive away…
He didn’t get into a car. He walked out of the neighborhood
Brian immediately seemed better after his meeting with the doctor. He apologized to me and ate dinner with us. He was in much higher spirits like he’d been relieved of every burden he carried.
My mother and I slept in the guest room with the door locked that night, simply because we had no idea what to expect from him. Brian was like his precious light switches: on or off, with nothing in between.
But in the middle of the night, I woke up to my mother shouting.
The house was dark, the patio door was wide open, and Brian was gone
He didn’t take anything with him – not his shoes or his checkbook or his watch. His car still sat in the garage, and keys on the counter.
We tried to call the number on the fridge, but the line was disconnected. The phone wouldn’t dial out at all.
Early the next morning, a bunch of men showed up to the house. They took all Brian’s possessions away in boxes, and asked my mother and I a ton of bizarre, nonsensical questions – things like…
“Did Brian ever tell you his favorite color?”
“What food does he hate the most?”
“Is he good with kids?”
“Did he ever go to church?”
“What is your earliest memory of him?”
“Was he right or left-handed?”
The interrogation left us baffled.
I was confused by all of this, but my mother was downright mortified
No matter what answers she gave, they always doubted her and told her she must be wrong and gave some ridiculous explanation as to why.
On the other hand, they never questioned a single thing I said. I still don’t understand what the point of all that was.
Almost a year later, after the shock of his disappearance began to settle into a dull pain, my mother decided to sell Brian’s car.
When she did, she stumbled across something strange, under the floor of the trunk…
Tucked into the spare tire, she found a VHS tape and some papers
It was from Brian. He probably left those while we were asleep.
We played the tape, and in it, Brian was standing way out in the desert somewhere. He looked a few years younger and appeared to have not slept in days.
He described the nature of his work to my mother and some of the things he’d seen and done. I pieced together everything I know about him from this tape and some conversations between my mother and Brian’s ex-wife.
I haven’t seen the tape since we found it, and I’m sure my mother got rid of it, as Brian instructed. But here are the things I remember back – the weirdest and scariest things he found while working sunken ships and submarines:
- Rooms that remained pressurized, where people appeared to live for years after the submarine sank. There was still electricity running even after a decade.
- Weird devices which were still on without any visible power source.
- There were also horror stories about all the bodies he recovered, but I will rather keep this for another time.
His job was to recover all the technology from those ships—before enemy forces or foreign operatives could get their hands on it.
Everything had to be bagged and tagged then sent to a secret storage facility

During one of his missions, he recovered several devices and documents that appeared to be from electrical power plants. Even after ten years underwater, these devices still generated enough electricity to shock small fish around the wreck—and even repel larger ones.
He retrieved five of these mysterious devices along with classified documents. But instead of handing over everything, he made a risky choice.
He returned the devices… but kept the papers.
It was a decision that put his life and career on the line.
But something about those documents told him there was a hidden secret—one worth risking everything for.
In the years after Brian’s disappearance, strange men would appear from time to time—always asking about him.
They found me in the most unexpected places, and their questions?
Always random. Always unsettling.
They remained polite, but they never revealed who they were.
And no matter where my mother and I moved… they always found us
Brian’s ex-wife, Jill, once told me, ‘Your uncle had brain bubbles.’
She claimed the wild stories he told were just the result of brain damage from years of diving.
The mixture of gasses, pressure, and tight spaces, coupled with stressors of the job, could undoubtedly do real harm to a person’s mind. But then again, Jill also worked in the government; that’s how they met, and after Brian disappeared, she acted like she barely remembered him at all.
It was almost as though she wanted me to dismiss him as a nut job.
And now that I come to think of it, she always smelled like chemicals too, just like “Doctor S.”
I’m telling you this story because…
The documents Brian left behind contained detailed schematics and reports—created by ISE
The very same classified reports I mentioned at the beginning of this presentation.
Even after 20 years, this information still isn’t available in any public archive.
I’m not an engineer, so I showed these plans to a friend—who insisted this information needed to be shared with the world.
At first, I hesitated. I couldn’t shake the fear that those men who smelled like chemicals might come back.
But that was 20 years ago.
And before revealing this website, I made sure to take the right precautions.
We reached out to a company in China, sent them a copy of the blueprints, and they immediately started producing the cells.
Chinese companies don’t care where a design comes from—as long as it makes them money.
This is what a China-produced HCPV cell looks like.
The concentrated solar cell alone produces twice more electricity than a regular solar panel

My friend had an idea—why not refine the use of the HCPV cell and turn it into a worldwide phenomenon?
A way for everyone to carry on the legacy my uncle Brian left behind.
So, we got to work.
After months of research, testing different designs, and pushing the limits of what was possible…
We finally built a complete CPV system.
It’s a complete self-sustained concentrated power generating system that will work even on cloudy days, and it’s smaller than a laptop, making it very portable and easy to install anywhere.
You’ll be able to power up ANY household appliances. From simple lamps and coffee makers to power-hungry giants like refrigerators and AC units—this system can handle it all.
You can even power a remote cabin in the wilderness—without handing over $30,000+ to the electric company just to get connected to the grid.
And if you’re ready to go completely off-grid…
I’ll show you a simple scaling trick that can cut your energy costs to ZERO
What's more important, because the Home Grid Freedom is very light and portable, it makes for one of the best "emergency" generators you could ever wish.
It’s lightweight and cheap to build, and unlike standard solar panels, it won’t get blown off the roof by strong winds and hurricanes. That’s because of the innovative, low profile and compact design of the HCPV.
You can install it in your backyard or your balcony and not worry about weather conditions for one second.
It took us over two years to perfect this design because the biggest challenge wasn’t generating electricity during the day—it was finding an affordable way to store it for use at night.
The solution came from cutting-edge electric vehicle technology—pioneered by Tesla, the company founded by Elon Musk.
Recently, Tesla released patents for a revolutionary multi-cell battery array, designed for superior energy storage.
We made it our mission to ensure that people get access to a fully functional, long-tested solution—not just some experimental prototype.
It takes less than a day to set up, and once it’s running, you can slash more than 93% off those never-ending power bills
I think that my uncle Brian would be thrilled to know that his sacrifice was not in vain.
Using the same simple method I’m going to reveal to you later in this presentation, Matthew Wells of
Essex, Maryland, recently sent me a letter saying:
“In the first 30 days, I saved $180 from my power bill. My bill was $217 per month, and my last one was just $37. It’s impossible to overstate how much this extra money has made things easier for my family.”
And Ken McKean of Toledo, Ohio writes:
“I live in a crowded neighborhood, and you should have seen how the neighbors stared at me as I opened the electricity invoice since using your method. I was cackling like the wicked witch of the west out there, but I don’t care – the jokes on them because I got to pay $10 that month from using your solution, instead of $290 that I usually paid.”
Matthew and Ken are just two of the thousands of people who have written to me over the last year. Telling me how excited, even amazed, they are by the simple truth of how easy it is to use the Home Grid Freedom solution, shutting the door in the face of greedy corporations and keeping their families warm and protected.
The way this system saves you money is this:
Compared with conventional solar panels, the new CPV cells take a fraction of the space. Here’s how small a CPV cell is, and it generates two times the amount of electricity as a regular solar panel produces.
You only need one of these cells for your Home Grid Freedom project to work. Plus, you get to store the excess electricity to use for the night.
For the energy storage solution, we took inspiration from Elon Musk’s recently released patents.
It’s based on lithium cells—the same technology found in most rechargeable electronics.
Typically, these battery arrays are built using brand-new cells, which can be incredibly expensive.
But we went a step further…
We discovered a way to repurpose battery cells from old laptops and power tools, giving you access to a cheap, nearly unlimited supply—if you know where to look.
Richard, my technical friend, also put together an algorithm that allows hooking this system to the grid, obtaining a hybrid system that will power your entire home.
This special algorithm allows you to save 70 to 93%, and more, of the money you pay on electricity by avoiding peak hours. That’s when electricity costs double or even triple compared to nighttime, when demand is low and usage drops.
What makes the hybrid system so unique is that it will continue working even on cloudy days.
It will detect if the weather is cloudy and charge the batteries during night time, and then the next day provides the needed electricity during peak hours.
This feature creates a much-needed balance in energy usage that’s required to spread the electricity usage evenly for 24 hours.
After two years of obsessive research, studying, designing, and making prototypes… We finally created the plans for this complete system, so elegantly simple. Every American could quickly put one in their home.
I named it “Home Grid Freedom”…

It uses a half-inch square solar cell as its power source, while the storage system is built from recycled laptop batteries—connected in a smart, modular design that lets you expand the system as you go.
You can install this unit in any place you want. The best part is that you will see immediate returns from the moment you connect it.
You’ll see the savings instantly on your meter
No science degree required—just the willingness to build and bring this project to life.
Most importantly, you’ll save enough money so you’ll never have to yell at your kids to turn off the lights… or freeze through winter with the thermostat stuck at a frigid 65 degrees.
That’s what exactly happened to John Salinas from Tucson, Arizona, who writes.
“I am still in shock at how well this works. I live in the hot, stinky desert, which is not exactly a Garden of Eden. I run two of these units, and I was able to cut my bill entirely, and after I got the proper meter to sell the energy back into the grid, I started making $327.30 each month by running these units at 80%. I am delighted with the results.”
And Alan Belding of Bozeman, Montana, who says:
“5 years ago, I would have called you crazy if you said the first day of the month would be one of my favorites. Now I look forward to it as a kid to Christmas. I live in an apartment, so I have limited space. At the beginning of every month, I get my check for $154, sometimes more. I used the money to take my wife and daughter out to a steak dinner. It’s quickly becoming one of our favorite family traditions.”
Before long, I was sharing my blueprints with friends and family—determined to help free them from the grip of the energy giants.
Take General Electric, for example. It owns most major electric companies in the U.S. and rakes in over $124 billion a year—most of it by preying on hardworking Americans.
But I also wanted to be absolutely certain that anyone could build this—no matter their skill level or experience.
The results kept pouring in, and I kept hearing the same thing over and over—this WORKS.
The best part? People are building it in
less than a day
Take my cousin Ronnie, for example—a city guy living just 10 minutes outside downtown Boston. He put his system together in under 24 hours, and now it powers his entire home.
That’s when I knew—it was time to share my designs with you… and with other liberty-loving patriots who are sick of being shackled by powerful, sinister interests.
So today, I’m making Home Grid Freedom available to you.
It’s a complete, step-by-step system that gives you everything you need to slash your power bill in just days.
You’ll receive step-by-step video guides showing you in detail how to build your Home Grid Freedom setup from the ground up. It’s like having a master craftsman in the room with you.
Just watch what I do, copy me, and your
device is built for you
You’ll get a comprehensive materials list covering what you need, and where you can get it. Remember, the majority of assembly pieces are either already in your yard or garage, or at a mouse click this very moment. Your total cost for construction is less than $250, and may well be under $100.
You’ll find out where you should build your Home Grid Freedom, and how one MICROSCOPIC adjustment can double the amount of money it saves…
I’ll provide a copy of my blueprints too. You can then print out these illustrated instructions and keep them nearby while you’re building.
Anyone can build this! When I was making your blueprint, your materials lists, and your start-to-finish video guides, I pictured it was for someone who never kept a hammer in his hands. That meant it had to be SO simple, so PAINLESS, that even he could build the Home Grid Freedom setup in a matter of hours.
Imagine this…
You set the heater to a cozy 77 degrees on a freezing winter night. The smell of chicken cutlets baking in the oven fills your home. You run a warm bath for your daughter before bed, knowing she’ll sleep comfortably.
Meanwhile, your neighbors are huddled under layers of blankets, shivering in the frigid air, their breath visible as they struggle to stay warm.
My Word Is As Strong As Oak
All you have to do is follow the Home Grid Freedom video instructions and step-by-step guide—and no matter your age, physical condition, skill level, or experience, you’ll be able to build your own money-saving power system—in a day!
A system that keeps you fully backed up when the grid fails—and saves you enough money to never worry about the Big Electricity Cartels again.
So, How Do You Get Started With Home Grid Freedom?
By now, you already see how game-changing this system is.
And you’re probably wondering—how much does it cost to get the step-by-step video guides and blueprints to build it yourself?
Well, let me tell you this… Nothing else like this exists in the world.
Sure, there are other so-called "money-saving solutions" out there. But this isn’t just another alternative—I completely re-engineered the concept from the ground up.
I slashed the building costs so that even those with limited resources can afford one
And I made it 1,000% more dependable than any generator out there.
Because it’s designed to be easily assembled using just a handful of parts—all for under $250.
Sure, there are alternatives… but you already know they aren’t real solutions. You could shell out $10,000 to have a solar company install panels on your roof.
But between weeks of waiting and labor costs of $60+ per hour per worker, your actual price tag will skyrocket to $15,000 or more.
Or you could rely on a gasoline-powered generator. But to run your air conditioning or heat, your water heater, your electricity, your stove, and appliances, you’re looking at somewhere around 10 gallons per day.
So even if you somehow have a 20-gallon drum of gasoline sitting around your home (which is EXTREMELY dangerous by the way) … you’d still only have power for two days.
Take a moment to really think about the conversation we’re having right now.
At the end of the day, your biggest concern isn’t money.
It’s about keeping your family warm, fed, and safe.
It’s about knowing—without a doubt—that they’ll have everything they need to survive, no matter what.
This is about FREEDOM
It’s about TURNING THE TABLES—breaking free from dependence on the government and the corporations that see your family as nothing more than a number on a profit-and-loss sheet.
It’s about taking control. Becoming truly self-reliant.
And making sure you have access to electricity—at the right price.
And it’s about making the decision TODAY—the decision that protects your family from corporate greed for decades… even centuries to come.
Because as the cost of gasoline and electricity continues to skyrocket, you don’t want to find yourself, years from now, staring at your screen, regretting the choice you didn’t make.
You don’t want to wake up one day, drowning in $350, $750, or even $1,050 power bills, realizing you could have broken free from the grid… but didn’t.
But before I tell you how you can do that, let me ask you this.
How much is it worth to you to slash your electricity bill by 93%...
Starting this month… and keeping those savings for life?
Think about it—how much is $2,340 worth to you right now? Because that’s what you could be saving this year alone!
Now let’s put this in perspective…
If your monthly bill is a modest $225, and you cut $195 from it, you’ve been handing the power companies a staggering $23,400 over the last decade.
And if you live in a larger home, where your bill is around $350 per month—your savings over ten years would be a jaw-dropping $39,060!
That’s money that should have stayed in your pocket.
That’s how much you will be saving by using the Home Grid Freedom
The very first month I built and used my Home Grid Freedom, my power bill dropped from $413.16/month to zero, actually making me a profit of little under $100 using my smart meter.
Even if I’m off (which over 47,000 people have proven I’m NOT)... What if you only cut your bill by 30%?
If your monthly power bill is a modest $150, you’d still save $540 in the next year—$5,400 over the next decade.
That’s enough to cover a semester of college for your child or grandchild at most state schools.
But with energy prices soaring, your real savings will likely be much closer to $10,800.
The possibilities once you secure the Home Grid Freedom videos guides are endless. There’s no other guide out there that uses the principles and the technology that you will learn from these videos.
The Home Grid Freedom program will show you step-by-step how to build your silent power plant for under $200, saving thousands of dollars on those dreaded bills year in and out, starting from today.
These savings will allow you to put that money into something more useful. Take your family on a stunning vacation or enjoy life the way you want to.
I can easily take this material and turn it into an exclusive weekend seminar and charge $800 a seat. With so many wealthy green energy enthusiasts out there, I know it would be a no-brainer for many.
But frankly, I'm a bit tired of seeing these rich guys on TV with their million-dollar setups and off-grid systems. They've already got more toys than they need.
We started the Home Grid Freedom from the idea that energy Independence should be something everyone can afford
Because the more self-reliant families, there will be in America, the easier it's going to be to rebuild it to what it once was.
So, I'm not going to ask you to invest $800 in this training even though I know it's worth at least that.
It won’t cost you $500. Heck, it won’t even cost you $247.
Even though my partner insists that should be the absolute minimum—because of the incredible value this training provides…
I said No. I am the one who found the plans, so I decided to do something that might sound a bit crazy. I'm going to set the price of Home Grid Freedom at just $89. But as long as this presentation is up.
I will let you have the complete program, for only $39 today.
But the only way to secure your spot in the program is to click the order button now.

Today's Price: $89 $39
Today's Price: $89 $39
This is a special launch offer price and I reserve the right to end it anytime.
Oh, and there's more!
If you place your order RIGHT NOW on this secure page, I’ll throw in TWO incredible bonuses, valued at $47 each—absolutely FREE. As my way of saying “thank you.”
Bonus #1: "Homestead EMP Protection Protocol"

This special report takes the Home Grid Freedom system to a whole new level.
It turns your personal power plant into a foolproof, disaster-proof, EMP-proof source of off-grid electricity for any emergency.
We’re talking about ultimate peace of mind.
Because let’s face it: if, God forbid, an EMP attack or a natural disaster wipes out the grid for months, most people will be left in the dark—cold, scared, and unprepared.
But not you.
With this bonus, your family will have power no matter what.
Bonus #2: "Homestead Alternative Energy Sources"
Bonus #2: "Homestead Alternative Energy Sources"

This exclusive report gives you a deep dive into the absolute essentials that most so-called energy enthusiasts completely overlook.
These are the tools and methods that can supercharge your energy independence—and you’ll get them for free when you test-drive Home Grid Freedom.
So there you have it!
In this video, I’ve shown you why the Home Grid Freedom step-by-step video guide and blueprint is the best solution for slashing your bills and preparing for whatever might take down the aging, unreliable grid.
These are the tools and methods that can supercharge your energy independence—and you’ll get them for free when you test-drive Home Grid Freedom.
I can't guarantee that I can keep this price for long, especially since we're giving 12 months of unlimited email support.
So don’t be surprised if you come back in a few days and see the price has gone up.
But honestly? The price doesn’t even matter
Because with Michael Morris’s no-questions-asked, 60-day money-back guarantee, you’re completely covered.
Here's how this works. Just say maybe to the Home Grid Freedom program. If you ever watched a short video and you know how to follow simple instructions, then you already have all it takes to put this project together and get an endless supply of green and cheap electricity for your family.
We’ve made this as newbie-friendly as we could.
You’ll never feel stuck or unsure about what to do. And you’ll never be left wondering if the modifications you make are safe and reliable.
All it takes to have the step-by-step video guides, your full-color building blueprint, and instructions, your materials list cheat sheet, and 12 months' support, is click that big, ORDER NOW Button below…

Today's Price: $89 $39
Today's Price: $89 $39
This is a special launch offer price and I reserve the right to end it anytime.
By now, you can probably feel the excitement creeping in—realizing that, at last, there’s a REAL alternative
Instead of lining the power companies' pockets with their outrageous 1,125% markup on every kilowatt you use…
They’re the ones paying you.
All that’s standing between you and total independence is that big ORDER NOW Button below.
Break through the barrier—click now and claim what’s rightfully yours.
Your God-given right to energy freedom.
Simply enter your credit card or PayPal details in our secure payment form on the next page. The moment you do, you’ll get instant access to the videos, blueprints—everything you need to get started.
Right now, only three clicks stand between you and total energy freedom.
I GUARANTEE This Will Change Your Life Forever!

Today's Price: $89 $39
Today's Price: $89 $39
This is a special launch offer price and I reserve the right to end it anytime.
I know times are tough. Wall Street’s greed—and the way they exploited that damn virus—left the economy in shambles.
And I get it—we’re all pinching pennies.
Even though investing just $39 to save THOUSANDS is a no-brainer…
I also know every purchase you make has to count.
That’s Why I’m Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is.

I’m giving you a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
If you don’t save money on your power bill… or if you’re unhappy for ANY reason at all… you don’t pay a dime.
Here’s How It Works:
-Click the Order Now button below.
-Join 47,367 other Americans who’ve already built their Home Grid Freedom system.
-Download your package, watch the video guides, and print out your step-by-step instructions.
-Spend just 30 minutes gathering materials.
And if at any point in the next 60 days you aren’t happy… If you don’t save DRASTICALLY on your next power bill…
Even if you only save 17% but wanted more… Just send me an email, and I’ll refund you IMMEDIATELY
No questions. No hassle. No risk.
Look: Growing up in a small, rural community, I learned early on that a man’s word was only as good as his actions, I know with utter conviction that the only reason I deserve your hard-earned money is if I have given you a product of total, overwhelmingly high value.
And yes, I do feel pretty cocky with this guarantee too.

Today's Price: $89 $39
Today's Price: $89 $39
This is a special launch offer price and I reserve the right to end it anytime.
I’ve seen firsthand thousands of people who are now getting checks for anywhere from $20 - $350 paid directly to them every single month
Plus, I’ve heard countless stories from those I’ve helped, all telling me how easy it is to build the Home Grid Freedom.
How it only takes one day to make and that it costs less than $250 to build.
How most of the parts can be found in the garage.
All you have to do to get started is push the big shiny “ORDER NOW” button below right now.
Then, you click submit on the next page and hit download on the page after that.
That’s it, and then it’s yours: The key to saving 93%, 100% or more on electricity for life.
But it would be best if you act NOW. Last time I discounted the price on Home Grid Freedom, it crashed my entire website. I’m not making the same mistake twice.
I’ve already locked in this special discount for just 150 people—after that, the price jumps back up to $89.
And as of right now, there are only 17 copies left at $39

Today's Price: $89 $39
Today's Price: $89 $39
This is a special launch offer price and I reserve the right to end it anytime.
Ultimately, though, the decision is yours. There are only three choices you can make.
The first option? Do nothing.
You could try to brush it off, pretend you never read this… But when that $175 power bill lands in your mailbox, you’ll feel it—that gut-wrenching guilt—knowing you’re not doing everything you could to provide for your family.
The second is to try to research and build your own version of the Home Grid Freedom system.
You can get it working up to some extent, but without the proper guidance and access to the HCPV cell, I am sorry, but you don’t have a chance to get everything working correctly.
So why keep searching for a solution when it’s right here, right now?
For a small, one-time investment of just $39, you can get instant access to everything.
Which brings you to your third option:
Get Home Grid Freedom today—completely risk-free.
Join over 30,000 smart American families—over 47,000 people in total—who have already made the switch.
And by this time tomorrow, you could be generating massive savings—with zero maintenance required.
You’ll be one of a select group of people who will EVER get Home Grid Freedom for such a low price… And you’ll be covered for a full two months by my 100% no questions asked money-back guarantee.
You’ll have 12 months of access to 24/7 support, so you’ll never feel frustrated if you have a question and need an answer…
All you have to do is click the ORDER NOW button below and make a decision with zero downside…
And an upside of $30,000+ in savings over the coming years.

Today's Price: $89 $39
Today's Price: $89 $39
This is a special launch offer price and I reserve the right to end it anytime.
This presentation is near the end, and the
choice is yours
This presentation is near the end, and the
choice is yours
What you’ve seen today is about more than just saving money. It’s about more than flipping the script and getting paid by the same corporations that have been bleeding you dry.
Sure, those things matter. But this? This is bigger. This is about providing for the people you love.
It’s about reclaiming what’s yours as an American—your inalienable right to freedom. It’s about refusing to be a slave to the system… refusing to be controlled and manipulated by profit-hungry monopolies.
And more than that—it’s about protecting yourself. Against the rapidly rising cost of energy. Against the rapidly declining stability of our country.
This is your chance to be your own man. A leader. Someone who protects, defends, and keeps safe the people who matter most.
This is it—your last chance to take control
Click the ORDER NOW button right now and join the growing movement of American patriots who have had enough of Big Energy and the LIES they use to keep us—and our hard-earned money—trapped in their pockets.
I look forward to hearing from you after you’ve built your very own Home Grid Freedom. Don’t forget that after you’ve invested, you’ll have access to my email address and that of the entire team. If you have any questions or want to share your own success story, please feel free to reach out to me right away.
Thank you for reading this presentation. This has been Mike.

Today's Price: $89 $39
Today's Price: $89 $39
This is a special launch offer price and I reserve the right to end it anytime.
Frequently Asked Questions
I know that sometimes it can be scary to take that first step. Even though you’d love to be slashing your electricity bill by 90% or more on month one, you still have questions.
To help you feel fully confident in your Home Grid Freedom investment, let me take a minute or two here to address the answer to some of the most common questions people ask.
The exact amount you save will depend on several factors, including how many modules you add to your system, the size of your home, and the amount of electricity you usually run in your home. Our average customer saves about $174 per month off their bill – though others with larger houses have saved significantly more.
Just like above, the amount of money produced will depend on one factor, namely the size of your device and the contract you create with your power company to sell electricity back into the grid. It is more than possible to produce $50 per day with an extensive enough system.
The coolest part about your Home Grid Freedom is that it’s a hybrid, it works with solar power, and it also works with regular electricity straight from the grid, giving you full coverage.
There is very little maintenance. You check the battery capacity every 2-3 years, and that’s all. You will see in the videos how simple it is to do that.
Yes. As long as you have a small place on the wall where to install it and perhaps a balcony to place the solar device.
Not at all! When we were designing this, we made it so simple that anybody could build it on his own. There’s very little physical labor, so even the elderly, or those with a bad back or other ailments, should have no problem making it. The average build time is about one weekend.
Inside you’ll get my comprehensive, step-by-step video guide showing you exactly how to build your Home Grid Freedom Setup. I’ve made these videos with an “over-the-shoulder” approach, so it’s basically like I’m there in the room building it with you.
You’ll also get the system blueprints, full-color step-by-step directions, and the complete materials list. PLUS, your purchase today comes with 12 months' support.
You can email my team or me anytime you have a question, and we’ll promptly respond to you.
Not to forget the fantastic bonuses which you will be getting after completing the purchase.
Click on the “ORDER NOW” button you see below. You go to our 100% secure checkout page, where you’ll enter your payment information. After you’ve completed your order, you’ll have access to my exclusive “members-only area,” where you can instantly stream or download the video guides, along with the blueprints, instructions, and materials list.
You’ll also get access to all of my contact information from this page as well.
YES! Once you place your order, you have a full 60 days to pour through the videos, blueprints, and instructions, and to build your Home Grid Freedom for yourself. If at ANY point you are unsatisfied or change your mind about this, send me an email, and I will immediately refund your entire purchase – no questions asked.
Copyright - Home Grid Freedom
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